National Orchid Garden, Singapore - Wanderela
Take a stroll inside the UNESCO World Heritage site listed National Orchid Garden, located on the topmost hill of Singapore’s Botanical gardens.

The National Orchid Garden in Singapore, which is on the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites, may be found on the hill that is the highest point of the Botanical Gardens in that country. The Garden is home to almost 2,000 distinct hybrids and species of plants and flowers in its collection.
It features a stunning array of flowers that are preserved in immaculate condition, is spread out over 8 acres, and is separated into four distinct color zones. Orchids in the spring zone have vivid colors like yellow and gold, which exude warmth and vitality.
The summertime color zones are characterized by orchids with eye-catching hues of dark reds and pinks. These colors are sure to grab your attention. Orchids in the White color zone tend to be predominantly white and blue, which makes them a good match for the winter season. The Autumn color zone, on the other hand, is packed with orchids that include colors that have fully developed.
The orchard has the most uncommon of the types, and they come in a wide range of sizes and forms. Because new flower kinds are introduced on an annual basis, coming here more than once is an experience that is well worth having. The garden is a wonderful location to learn about the various types of orchids and the specific environmental factors that are required for their cultivation.
This is a wonderful spot for going on nature walks or participating in a nature walking tour that lasts for three quarters of an hour and takes you through all of the different types of terrain. Those who are very curious about the topic will learn about the hybridization process as well as the various techniques used for pollination during the different seasons during the tour.
The garden is accessible by wheelchair and features signposts placed at strategic locations to make touring it simple and efficient. To make the most out of your time spent in the garden, you can participate in a variety of activities and explore a wide variety of locations.